Saturday, July 30, 2011

Last Day Of Summer School!

Whew! I took finals yesterday, and am happy to say that summer school has officially ended! I took six units over these last six weeks, and I'm sure I got As in both classes. With two weeks before Fall Semester starts I just want to sleep as much as possible, and read as much as possible, haha. I don't even want to work, although I have to. I need a vacation!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

The older I get, the funnier this question sounds to me, haha. 

I stated in my previous post that I didn't know I wanted to be a doctor for a very long time. I never really settled on one thing growing up.

In my adult life I considered being an ultrasonographer, a registered dietician, and a personal trainer. The personal trainer one is really funny to me at this point. Highly hilarious. 

What's even funnier though, is what I wanted to be when I was a child.  By the time I graduated high school, I had held interest in very few careers throughout my entire life. I will never forget the short performance we put on for our parents in preschool. We wore costumes that portrayed the profession we hoped to achieve in adulthood. I bet you'll never guess what I wanted to be! Guess. . . A postman. . . a house to house mail carrier. The school didn't even have an outfit for me to put on as no child had previously dreamed of that career. My mom had to piece one together, and I proudly took the stage and announced to the crowd my "future career". (Much respect to all of the postmen/women out there.)

Later, as a rebellious teenager, I would frequently state that I wanted to be a porn star. I had never seen a pornography movie, or had sex for that matter, but I threw it out there a few times to piss my mother off. . . it worked. 

My senior year I really enjoyed the government and economics courses we were required to take. During that year, I briefly thought about being a politician. Not one person had a positive thing to say about politicians, so my mind reversed very shortly. 

What did you want to be when you grew up? Has it stayed the same, or changed?

The Run Down

Enroll in college or move out, was the ultimatum given to me directly following my senior year of high school. So, I enrolled part-time at the local junior college. I received decent grades, but was unfocused and more interested in boys, cars, clubs, and did I mention boys? I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up, and thought pursuing a higher education while I was so unsure was a waste of time. I quickly decided to drop out of junior college to devote more time to what really held my interests. Silly, I know.

Fast forward five years, I grew up. Well, mostly :) With some very difficult life experiences under my belt, I realized that there was nothing more I wanted to do with my life than to help people as a doctor of medicine. For all of the wrong reasons I was very discouraged in the beginning. I felt I was way too old to just up and decide I wanted to be a doctor. I thought ALL doctors knew they wanted to be one by the age of say, ten. I felt I was too old to begin the process that leads to what a lot of people are completing at my age, medical school. Just the thought of sitting in a community college with eighteen year olds embarrassed me. I guess what I felt was shame, for wasting so many years on bullshit.

After thinking about it, talking about it, doing a bit of research, and thinking about it some more, I proudly decided I wasn't too old to be whatever it is I want to be in life! I enrolled in college once again almost a year ago and am in for the long haul, and willing to overcome any obstacles that appear in my path to become a damn good doctor! 

This blog will be my outlet. The playfully chronicled journey of my excursion to and through medical school, and the occasional hitch hikers that threaten my ultimate success: hesitation, uncertainty, negativeness, self-doubt, second guessing, overconfidence, etc. Thanks for reading.